Monday, February 8, 2010

What's the point of believing something totally false... like gods, prayer and after-life?

These are pure fantasy. They have no foundation of evidence to support them... so why would anyone believe they might be true?

It's just a lot of silliness, isn't it... ?What's the point of believing something totally false... like gods, prayer and after-life?
Yes it is silly and full of rubbish. The only reason why people will and continue to believe in a divine being is because a majority of them have been conditioned to believe but also conditioned to never question their religion and god. They blindly accept and follow what they are told by their religious leaders.

Think about it. Why do they discourage to ';test'; their god? Because they know that such a test would actually prove that there is no god.

Prayers are nothing more than wishful thinking. It is even more silly to think that they are answered. They relate coincidence as that of prayers being answered. When you ask a question about why god does not answer prayers you get many cop-out answers; such as yes, no, maybe, wait, god did answer it but not in the manner in which you wanted, god works in mysterious ways and of course the silliest cop-out answer is, it is not for us to question gods actions.

There are three quotes that I would like to use to sum up religion.

1) Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. by Voltaire

2) ';Religion is the opiate of the people'; by Marx

3) Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful. by SenecaWhat's the point of believing something totally false... like gods, prayer and after-life?
There isn't.... any point in believing something false... but for examples you have picked the most real things there are!

So, you need to investigate a little further so that you may apply your thinking correctly to the right thing...

and then you will no longer be believing something false pointlsessly.

The evidence is there for believing in the one true God who sent Jesus to our world to save us if you have an open mind...

Minds are like parachutes... they work best when open!
One man's garbage is another man's treasure my friend.
By saying there is an absense of evidence, then you just prove that you have never studied the Bible. It is full of prophecy which is the evidence you are looking for.

Find a prophecy seminar in your area...and quit being ignorant of the historical facts that are the backbone of God's Word.
why not believing something?

cause it might be true.

i don't know.
Perhaps you are only a machine created by the natural tendencies of inanimate matter.

The spirit of life that distinguishes you from rocks and oil must be an illusion, yes?

And consciousness, the ability to think, to speak and write sentences.

Purely properties of sulfur and carbon atoms, maybe with oxygen via breath.



For you.

Not for everyone, though.
But the big question(s) is/are: *Are they totaly false* ? or are they the few *somethings* that you are not aware of ???? go in peace..... God bless
Belief is not a choice.

You have to go with what you believe... if someone believes there is a God or that prayer works or that there is an afterlife, they have to live by that.
I believe in god and there is a lot of evidence that god exists. So I don't know what your talking about. If everything was explain with science and logical than how come the ';which came first the chicken or the egg'; question can't be answer by scientist? According to science and logic an egg can't just pop out of nowhere. In order for their to be chicken it has to hatch out of a egg.
Troll. (As in posting questions just because you know that it will get some people to freak out, but with no real answer.)
can you see the wind? do you feel it? do you know its there.

same with god. you cant see him, but you can feel him.

you know hes there, you just do! look at all the goodness in the world, the miracles! notice the stars, they themselves are a miracle on ther own, take a time and notice these creations and their beauty.

hopefully someday, youll be able to feel the presence of god too :)
They say the chicken, liar.

Yes, God and Krist are fake liars:;r=w#JsJuAVf4IEdqYJQS.78N
Trying to explain the point of these things to you presently would be as fruitless as trying to describe light to a blind man.

You can't begin to explore until you put down your own map; and look around things from fresh perspectives.

But if you've come here to convince a sighted man that light is pure fantasy; then your wasting your time!

There are two possible answers to your question:

1) People believe in things because they percieve concepts you do not.


2) They are mentally dellusional.

If the answer is 1), then you'd better learn philosophy/theology.

If the answer is 2), then you are communing with mad folk lol....
They're crutches for weak minded people who want the easy answer in life ';Gawdidit!';. Delusion is easier to deal with than cold hard facts (aka, reality). Also, childhood indoctrination/brain washing is a powerful thing. It leaves many kids as lifelong sheeple.
Do you have evidence they don't exist? Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
Yes it is a sad indictment of our educational system that people still believe ancient myths.

(MSB) Belief is not a choice but education or lack of it is.

(donte3030) Actually Baye's Theorem shows that absence of evidence is indeed evidence of absence.
Silly in this life; deadly serious in the next.
From צלאח א-דין

Who are you interpreter of English words? You must “be” (Ruh, Darkness) and in (chemicals and biology) form from the makeup of the universe the adamah. Adamah is the gathering of chemicals and biology formed from the makeup of the universe yet darkness is not. Chemicals and biology cannot perceive darkness nor can it react to it but you (Ruh) can. You are separate from chemicals and biology and by you I mean your mind. Your mind is not made up of chemicals and biology formed from the makeup of the universe. Darkness and the mind are both not formed or created. Both are one yet separate but split without substance, non-physical. Darkness “be” it is first before chemicals (creation, life) as Ruh is before chemicals (creation, life). There are two definitions of life one is the make up of the universe the other is (be, ruh). Darkness has life it exist “it be”. Ruh became mix with DNA yet Hashem created DNA and ruh that is separate was present at time of creation or expansion. Ruh is formless in the concept of from as it relates to matter. Ruh has a form represented by the shadow of man in the light yet the shadow has form in the light but not form as in matter. Ruh is not a mere makeup of the universe (adamah) rather mix with adamah. There are many ruh, yet ruh is separate in darkness but ruh and darkness are one. The ruh is separate from darkness because darkness is still and ruh is not subject to still.

Ruh came before chemicals and biology, Ruh and Darkness be and both have no creative beginning. Ruh is split but one ruh. Hashem is separate from Ruh both be but no ruh is Hashem who also be. The creation (universe) came into existence but darkness has no creation. Ruh is mental it is not created it always is as darkness is without creation and always is. When ruh is mixed with Adam a mere makeup of the universe your mind is one with the creation. Hashem is not but his ruh is mix with DNA, Hashem never is mix with the make up of the universe. Ruh represents the presence of Hashem the presence of Ruh always was. Out of Darkness was caused the make up of the universe. Hashem is not a being in DNA that he should change his mind. His mind stretch further than your mind in this darkness yet Hashem is not among the minds the minds has an order and there one. Hashem is not equal with the mind the mind or ruh is not companions but servants an audience. In darkness there is no life yet in darkness theirs ruh therefore ruh and life differ. Life is chemicals and flesh is biology the mind or Ruh is one with darkness that is pre-chemicals and biology.
No it is not fantasy. Even doctors agree that people who are prayed for have a better chance of recovery. Have you ever thought about what happens if we are right and you are wrong?
just because you have no proof right in front of you, you instantly dismiss any ideas that suggest human capapbilities may be outdone by higher beings.

there is no proof for or against gods or afterlifes

but just because there is no proof doesnt mean anything

did early homosapiens know about evolution?

did scientists always know what happened when you split an atom?

just because there is no knowledge or proof of something doesnt mean that it is or is not real.
thanks for your opinionated statement...but i believe the word of God to be true. sorry that you are having a hard time with that. i will pray that God give you guidance and peace. don't harden your heart just yet. God has something in store for you.
Prayer is true. It just isnt what you think it is. Prayer is bowing to the will of God. Prayer is knowing that all things work together for those who love the Lord. All thing...divorce, car crashes, death, sickness, health, money...EVERYTHING.

Heaven and hell are true because God said they are. His word is infallible. Any other afterlife stories are vain imaginations.

God is and thats all there is. Faith is needed. If you don't have it, God didn't give it to you. You're going on a hard trip if he doesn't change you. I wouldn't be you for all the money in the world.
gods= cool

prayer = cool

after-life= cool

if its cool might as well believe in it. it dont hurt anyone.
Gods were always ETs. The good ETs didn't want worshipping, but got it anyway - the bad ETs wanted worship and control, etc - starting our religions. They were on Earth, and wanted control over mankind, and got it (as witnessed by the South American religions, the Gods who demanded human sacrifice, etc)...

Prayer only works if you pray to your own spirit for guidance, etc. Prayer to a non-existent (false) God - of course, does not work.

The after-life --- everyone gets it, whether they believe in it or not... no matter what you believe in.

Religions of course, lie to us - that is what they do - put on a false show, and expect us to believe it.

All the above makes sense - and has the information to prove it.

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