Wednesday, February 10, 2010

POLL: TRUE OR FALSE: Love can save a person's life; keep them healthier and young at heart?

to love and be loved is a true blessing. i wouldn't have it no other way. love is flattery and expressed in many ways. w/o love you feel empty, unwanted, undesired, unattractive, lifeless. i also agree that laughter is the best medicine. these two go hand in hand and the perfect match for a keeping the heart healthy, warm and youthful.POLL: TRUE OR FALSE: Love can save a person's life; keep them healthier and young at heart?
That all depends on the situation. Yes, it can be true, but then again, in some situations love can be so stressful it eats away at your heart (and your sanity!) until you feel like you can't go on. I don't see how that could possible be life saving or healthy in any way.POLL: TRUE OR FALSE: Love can save a person's life; keep them healthier and young at heart?
I am not sure - that almost sounds like the person would DIE if they did not have love....... I think if you REALLY felt like you were in love it would make your whole outlook on everything better.

BUT, if the person were going to die unless he found love, then I would have to say the guy is WAY too needy and could be fooled by THINKING the first person who showed him attention really loved him.
I believe that to be true, it gives you something to be happy about and live for.
True all the way!!
True xox

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