Sometimes the physical body, returned to the life, indistinguishable of their situation before the death, in which case the Catholicism resurrection speech (case of Lázaro, Juan 11, 1-45). Others are symbolic, it is not to return in physical body, but as a body ghost that returns of the death. Also, some ideologies reserve the resurrection like a final unification that won't be able to be it discards, the same as Christ's resurrection. In this case Jesus from Nazareth didn't return to the previous state in life, for that reason he differs of resuscitation, if not of a resurrection to the eternal life. That is to say the fact of the resuscitation doesn't imply die before again or later, fact this discarded one in the figure of Jesus from Nazareth, for what is spoken of resurrection of Jesus. also refers to Jesus' new birthSymbolic resurrection. Jesus from Nazareth didn't return to the previous state in life. True or false?
Whoa buddy, it is impossible to figure out what you just said. In case you ever plan on going to college, here is some constructive criticism:
You need to read your writing before you let anyone read it. If you don't get better, you will flunk out first semester.Symbolic resurrection. Jesus from Nazareth didn't return to the previous state in life. True or false?
In Jesus' case, he was resurrected in his own body, as evidenced by the nail wounds, which he showed Thomas, to prove he wasn't just a ghost. Also evidenced by him having a meal with his friends.
However, there was some kind of change, because at first his believers did not recognize him.
But it was an actual resurrection, not simply symbolic -- the scriptures just don't back up the idea of a purely symbolic resurrection.
Following his resurrection, Jesus informed his disciples, “All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth,”
(Ac 10:43)
He is God’s anointed King-Priest in heaven. (Ro 5:17, 18) By his resurrection from the dead to life as a heavenly Son of God, he was “declared righteous in spirit.” (1Ti 3:16)
Jesus also has been gives immortality.
The immortal life granted Jesus upon his resurrection is not merely endless but is beyond deterioration or dissolution and is beyond destruction.
He was a spirit person before he came to Earth and he is a spirit person now, plus so much more. And some will go to heaven also and
1Co 15:50-54 will be true in their cas also.
Caray, Sempronio, por que me sometés a la tortura del inglés?
Desde que por la rebeldía de la adolescencia dejé de someterme a mi rígida tia inglesa y a su insufrible madre, hice un juramento de no volver a usar ese idioma, y aunque no lo creas todavía le tengo bastante aversión, pese a que con el tiempo nos amigamos mi tía y yo.
Yendo a la pregunta.
Sabés que de chica me sorprendió que Jesús resucitado se apareciera a los discípulos y estos no lo reconocieran.
La pregunta entonces era: cual era su apariencia?
Parece que tenía un cuerpo real y tangible, por lo tanto físico, ya que Tomás metió el dedo dentro de las llagas, (lo que le valió hacerse famoso, y mas entre los filósofos).
Sin embargo, su apariencia no era la de siempre, porque como dicen ';era y no era'; el de antes.
Si seguimos caeríamos en el campo de la metafísica, lo cual ya es demasiado para un lunes por la tarde.
Haciendo una asociación libre de ideas, me viene a la memoria el perro de mi madre que siempre la despertaba con sus cariños, y el dia que la fue a despertar y ella estaba muerta, ni se le acercó.Simplemente, era como ella, pero no era ya su dueña aunque en este caso el cuerpo estaba igual.
Los animales entienden la muerte mejor que nosotros, seguramente porque no han perdido los conocimientos ancestrales que nos tapó la cultura.
Tengo entendido, si no se me perdió la idea en el galpón de los recuerdos, que hubo una teoría no aceptada por la Iglesia de que Jesús no resucitó en cuerpo y alma y que sus apariciones fueron como mero fantasma.
Hmmmm... donde lo leí o que profesor me lo dijo?
Que pensador o teólogo lo dijo?
En fin, no puedo quejarme, por haber pasado largamente los XX años, no puedo protestar por mis olvidos...
Pero me molesta, me molesta muchísimo no acordarme algo!
Bueno, no tengo mas remedio que aceptar mis seniles limitaciones... ja ja.
Te mando mis cariñosos saludos.
Jesus Christ rose from the dead as an immortal physical state of existence.
Lazarus was brought back from the dead to a mortal physical state of existence.
He got up after being dead two days, and started walking around like nothing ever happened.
A bunch of other people did too, according to Matthew 27:53
Yeah okay...
The entire Jesus story was literalized by the Romans, its not just his resurrection that is symbolic.
False Jesus really did rise from the dead.
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