You seem to need religion so you can pass judgment on people.
While you sit their and lie, cheat and do all kinds of immoral things.
You aint fooling anyone you are just as bad as the nonbelievers only you do bad things even though you believe in god in a religious way.
you need religion to keep you from being extraordinarily bad humans don't you!?
I am glad you believe in god in a religious way and that if you do really bad things you think you will go to hell and that you are good only because you think you will be rewarded with heaven.Religious people, every single one of you have lied at least once in your life true or false?
That seems to be the whole point of religion.
Do as much evil as you like.
Do it in the name of a God, or confess and repent.
God forgives you.
You then live in paradise for eternity.
If you are an honest good person, living a model life, never doing wrong and helping others.But if you do not believe in Gods and use only your own conscience to guide you
You will be tortured for eternity.
With a mindset like that is it any wonder that those of faith are so screwed up.
Good men can do bad things, Bad men can do good things, but only religion makes good men do evil things.Religious people, every single one of you have lied at least once in your life true or false?
You need a life. Every human on the face of the earth lies. The thing is, what do we lie about. I have only told white lies since I became Christian (';Yeah, sis, I love the sweater. It's perfect.';), which is more then what I can say about the non-religious people i used to hang out with. Some shining example you all are, I had half my life savings stolen by one pagan, verbally abused by another, lied and cheated on by a third, and watched as the whole, ';I'm gonna do what I want to because my religion has no consequences'; attitude tear up three marriages! I';d rather be a Christian then that.
Well I am glad I have to only confess my sins to the Lord. What I do is between me and Jesus. I am not perfect and will not be till I get my new body in heaven.
Well. Christians believe the humans are all siners and therefore bad, even themselves, with the exeption of Jesus. So, yes we all have lied, cursed and masturbated (don't think thats a sin though). I don't know how nice that line of thought is and I know many Christians do think (acctualy, they seem to know for sure) that they are better than everione else and stuff. Don't pay attention to them, they will just eventually drive you away from whatever you believe by causing you anger if you do.
English in not my native language so please ecskuse my orthographie mystackes
And we never said we haven't. I believe we constantly say on this site that we too are human and fall short, however, we do not practice sin. That is all God expects of us. It's only non-christians who expect something unrealistic of humans.
I am no better than anyone else.
the only difference between me and you is.....
I am saved by the blood of Jesus Christ
and my sins have been forgiven.
how about yours?
Yes. We are just as bad as non-believers, in fact have I not only not claimed otherwise but freely admit that Christ died for sinners, of whom I am chief.
True, everybody lies.
Nobody is claiming that they are perfect, they're only claiming the doctrines they are striving to learn and follow is perfect.
There's nothing wrong with high goals, even if they are unreachable in this life.
So how many lies have been told? Let's put your extraordinary math powers to good use here.
Of course we have lied. Just because we're Christian doesn't mean we're perfect. As a matter of fact being a Christian is openly admitting we're sinners who fall short from the glory of God and need and accept that Jesus Christ died for our sins.
If there is anyone out there who says that they don't sin then, the truth is not within them.
Lied? Why, I never lie! ...oops, did it again. Dang!
Yes I have lied . I am going to end up lying today , more than likely..Not that I want to but hey things happen...
I am not religious , I am a spritual being and GOD is not a scape goat for our bad behavior hun...
I do not claim to better than anyone..
Christians only have one thing different than non believers.
... We believe that JESUS is the only way to GOD ... This is what makes us different ..
I still bleed the same as you and yes I will still sin as you do..It does bother me thou when I do something that I know is wrong.. Do you get bothered when you do something wrong?
Actually, you have left out one very important aspect to a Christian life .
.. We pray everyday to cleanse us from our sins because sins are from the flesh and we are trying to become more like JESUS who is not of the flesh.... Sins are inevitable. praying to cleanse us from our sins through our fleshly desires is what we do to counter act that problem..
So next time you wish to trample on a Christian and sit here thinking we do not sin and that we do this all on Purpose , please know your source.,, We read our BIBLE and in it is the answers to the sin issue you have ...We know how to handle sin but that doesn't mean we won't sin...
Read the BIBLE and get back to us on the whole sin issue and maybe then , you will understand what I wrote about fleshly desires because I do not believe you have a clue as to what I am talking about...
As for the hell issue .... I do not dwell on hell.. I believe you brought hell up...I know GOD loves me . I believe in JESUS and thus have been saved of that place... Again , this is all in the BIBLE .... know your source sweety before you talk...
Love and Blessings to you :)
Hey Tim I have a news flash for you, sinners need a savior...I have no problem in confessing that I am a sinner, I also have no problem with saying that yes I have passed judgement on others (even when I don't try to) I have to force myself to remember the old me (before I was Born again and had a ';heart and spirit transplant'; ) so that I do not pass judgement on other people, I do not look down my nose at anyone and I would help a person see that God loves them no matter what they have done, because that is is the SICK who need a Doctor. I am not ';good' because I think I will be rewarded with heaven, even though I do know I will be in heaven I do ';good'; because I LOVE GOD. We can not be ';good'; in outr own strength, we need the spirit of God to help us to do the excellent thing...even when I feel the urge to allow my flesh full vent and lash out at people for being people (if you know what I mean) I am not ashamed to say that I NEED it a crutch if you want to, a lot of people do, but they also fail to look at their own crutches like crack, coke, pot, alcohol...I know because I used some of those crutches in the past and I can tell you for sure I would rather depend on God than to turn back to those things. Now that my rant is over well you have a great day and I pray that just like in the song ';amazing'; by Aerosmith...that in a blink of an eye you will finally see the light. Be Blessed
Of course human like us cannot help to doing that (except for the Prophet) that is why there is a sin. For Muslims, we should ask forgiveness directly to Allah The Almighty. And for unreligious people, do they never do good things once in their life?
um yeah ive lied but i dont go and b judgin others tho
So tell me, when do you start high school?
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