Monday, February 8, 2010

What is the penalty for bearing false witness or giving the impression that you know something about life, whe

n in fact you only think so and do not know?What is the penalty for bearing false witness or giving the impression that you know something about life, whe
there is know penalty or ALL religions would be penalized,the real exist in our beingWhat is the penalty for bearing false witness or giving the impression that you know something about life, whe's the same as any other sin until you repent. Eternal damnation.
5 pints of blood due immediately
Bearing false witness is about LYING.not your thoughts on life .

These are examples of bearing false witness.




defamation of character

stating untrue facts against someone

Teaching unproven stories as truths ( The Bible )
the biblical penalty for bearing false witness is that whatever was going to be done to the accused based on your testimony is done to you...whether a monetary loss or even the death penalty.

as for the latter...public humiliation for clearly demonstrating himself a fool.
Bearing false winess used to carry a penalty of death

in ancient times
Every religion (and person) that ever existed would thus be found guilty and penalized.
The penalty is you must believe all manner of nonsense, profess your faith in said nonsense, then attend church for the rest of your natural born life.


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